Thursday 13 March 2008

GW1 Day!


I'm really nervous today because it's my GW1 day! I need to be 112lbs.. I've been well below 112lbs before, but I feel extra worried this time because I've let all the girls on PAM know about my weight progress.. if I don't weigh in at 112lbs I'll have let them all down!

Also last night I had a slip-up & ate bread and chocolate.. boo! I hope that hasn't fucked up my GW.
Instead, I'm taking my diet pills & sticking to water today. If I finish my Uni work early enough in the evening I'll go to the gym too...
Tomorrow starts GW2 where I need to be 108lbs by next Thursday! There's absolutely NO room for bingeing!

Wish me luck!

Thursday 6 March 2008

Mind reprogram...

Em-il-y says:
lets re-program our minds here
Em-il-y says:
with what exists and what doesn't
Ema says:
Em-il-y says:
Ema says:
Em-il-y says:
i haven't even heard of them, i've got no idea what you're talkinga bout..!
Em-il-y says:
(get it.. )
Ema says:
Em-il-y says:
binging?? what the heck? is that jibberish?
Ema says:
so good! lol
Em-il-y says:
(seriously try it, it works really well)
Ema says:
My scales never go up... i always see a lower number!
Em-il-y says:
i didn't even know those numbers could go up...!!
Ema says:
my bones get more prominent every day!
Em-il-y says:
yeah! it's like how the sun rises every day!
Ema says:
these are totally going in my journal and in my purse so that everytime i feel weak (what's weakness?!) i can read them
Em-il-y says:
what's there to be weak about? this is just normal life here...
Ema says:
In a world where we're always the thinnest, we're so strong!
Em-il-y says:
how good is it!!! it's the best being so strong
Em-il-y says:
and the fact we don't have to push ourselves to stick to a diet plan... cos it's just second nature !
Ema says:
and everyone wants to be us. they admire how our bodies are like art! so light and delicate
Em-il-y says:
success is brillant
Ema says:
definitely, cause I mean.. look at what we used to weigh and look at us now. we're obviously doing something right.. why should we stop now! we're an example to others.
Em-il-y says:
exactly! and we have to uphold that!
Em-il-y says:
and really, that's no problem at all
Ema says:
exactly. it's what we do best.
Em-il-y says:

Em-il-y says:
so really, it'll be simple as for you to lose 16lbs before the start of next month
Ema says:
indeed. others have done it, and it's an easy test of my strength. just like you, you've came so far.. it's a complete doddle for you!
Em-il-y says:
Em-il-y says:
i mean, we know all there is to know about this kind of stuff
Ema says:
we're adept in this field. pro's.

Tuesday 4 March 2008


Arg.. After the weekend I gained (Craig and I went for Tapas).
I had a bad spot this morning and binged on like 5 doughnuts. Idiot@me.
Craig made me eat a tuna sandwich for dinner.
I'm already a fat fuck. I can't handle anymore weight gain!