Monday 26 May 2008


I'm back for a bit.
Only to let you know that I've left the ana community temporarily to focus on life-stuff;

Moving to the city (having to find a flat within 2 weeks)
Getting a new job in the city
Finishing all Uni deadlines
Uni exams
Computer blowing up

Just so many things that causes so much stress, and ended up me ballooning up to 120lbs with no sign of budging..

So far, I've made it through everything with only a few breakdowns at my disgusting body.. but as a whole I've tried to ignore it and just keep pushing through everything else. There will be time at the end of all this to get down to brass tax and aim all my energy towards losing weight.
At the moment I've completed University, including all exams. I've found a lovely flat in the centre of Glasgow City for me and Craig, and we'll be moving in 8 days time. It's in such a BEAUTIFUL area called Merchant City (The Italian area)... so sexy and stylish at night!

I've also found a job in a gorgeous European Deli/Coffee house right next to the new flat.
The city flat is right beside Glasgow Green, which is a massive park where LOADS of people go exercising.. My plan is to buy a bike when I move and go cycling every day, running, etc etc..
Also the best thing about being in the City is that you always see someone thinner than you, so it pushes you even harder to lose more weight!

Anyhoo, better get ready for work..
I'll be back in the next couple of weeks, hopefully with some good news to tell you about my weight!