Monday 14 April 2008

Stupid Alcohol..

Silly me...
Got so so very drunk on Friday night and spent the following 2 days recovering and eating. Boo.
I gained 2lbs.
Had a yoghurt this morning, but it's less cals than an apple, so I figure I've still got time to save the day - my allowance is 2 apples... I'm gonna take my diet pills at 10am, 2pm, 5pm and 6pm.. that should suffice.
I keep forgetting I've got the psychiatrist at the end of this month... I think Craig has forgot about it, which means I can call up and cancel, then say "oops! i forgot!" if he ever does remember, which he probably won't.

I'm thinking of buying Ephedra-5 from a site the girls gave me on PAM, but I'm worried. The last time I bought diet pills via internet the envelope arrived saying "Silver Slimming Diet Pills". I was lucky to have caught the mail before Craig woke up! I think I'll ask a guy-friend if I can forward them to his house... I just have to make sure that it *is* legal to buy them via internet and ship to the UK (ephedrine = illegal in UK)..

Anyway, on life goes...

1 comment:

Leni said...

You want to take Ephedra? Oh please keep me updated how they work! i wish I could get something like this over here. It would be so needed!